Monday, March 14, 2011

Amanda Seyfried ::Upset at 'Lincoln Lawyer' premiere

"Red Riding Hood" Actress Amanda Seyfried  had a weasel -not a wolf  bumming her out Thursday night.

She showed up at the Eden Restaurant after-party for rumored beau Ryan Phillippe's new movie, "The Lincoln Lawyer."

She sat at Phillippe's table, where they smoked cigarettes and hung out together for awhile. But Phillippe wouldn't leave with her, he apparently wanted to stay and chill with co-star Matthew McConaughey.

So Amanda departed alone, and looked "upset" about it


Phillippe seemed more interested in fishing for compliments than following his ladyfriend.

 He was overheard asking two friends whether they liked the movie and appeared pleased when they reassured him he was fantastic.

Watch Amanda Seyfried (little house ) Video :